
Beth Din of the Southeast USA

Rabbinical Court Services with Unparalleled Integrity

Our Services

Din Torah

Arbitration and mediation for commercial and communal disputes.


Facilitating Jewish divorces with sensitivity and care.

Geirut גירות

formed for the purpose of ensuring halachic integrity and uniform standards in the performance of Jewish conversions.

Jewish Status בירור יהדות

Issuing halachic personal status determinations, including certifications of Jewish status.​

Shalom Bayit

שלום בית

Tahart H'Mishpacha

טהרת המשפחה

Heter Iska היתר עסקה

A form of heter iska, which allows for the charging of interest-like fees among Jews in business transactions.

Shtar Mechira L'Shabbat

שטר מכירה לשבת